Mickey Pittman
Elite Military Trainer | Leadership Architect | Entrepreneur
Mickey has 25+ years of combined business leadership, military leadership, and leadership development experience. His vast experience includes teaching leadership on Wall Street, building training and pre-mission training programs for our military's elite special operations forces, serving as a cadre member for counterterrorism training (1996 Atlanta Olympics), and building successful small businesses as an entrepreneur (including 4 restaurants in Orlando, Florida).
His passion is teaching leadership and developing leaders. He built the first fully immersive leadership development platform on Wall Street (for the third-largest bank in the world), creating a system of developing leaders based upon the leadership secrets of America's Ranger, SEAL, and Special Forces (All Qualified) leaders. During his time on active duty, he was rated as the most effective small-unit leader evaluated out of FORSCOM, JSOC, and USASOC during his last full year of active service. During his time at Fort Bragg, he was chosen to be the Project Manager for the new Range 75 Close Quarter Battle training complex and built the original SOP to support realistic live-fire training, supporting both SOF and General Purpose Forces with a capable and durable MOUT and CQB training complex, which served to prepare hundreds or thousands of warriors for missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A 1996 “first-time” graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger school (the toughest leadership development course in the world), his passion is building training programs that develop current and future leaders for organizations, helping them to become agile, innovative, and mission-centric organizations capable of growth and profitability in the 21st Century.